Bob's Rod Holder
Bob's Rod Holder
Patented in 1961
For years the typical guy faced an unfortunate dilemma: the only way he could maintain his rod in a desirable upright position was to grasp it firmly with both hands. This required tremendous concentration and stamina and, the second he loosened his grip, that rod would droop significantly, making it virtually impossible for him to land anything worthwhile.
Bob’s device changed all that.
朝3時半起床。これ書いてる時点でザーナ眠い。 今朝はタコヤキとサウスショアへ。波高1.5mの予報だが、シケマンが来ているらしく、絶好のサラシが足元から払い出していた。 磯際を works175 で舐めるも反応は無かった。 続いて潮表を沖目から続投。すると何やら黄色い尾...